Planning a Gathering Los Angeles – Here are some of our favorite tips to help avoid making mistakes and ending your party too soon. In this week’s blog, we cover the basics to help the host or hostess have a great experience for themself and their guests.
You want to make sure that your guests have enough notice, so they may attend your event. It is important that you give them at least two months notice. If you invite your guests too early, they might forget and if you wait too late, they might already have other plans. Also, please give them a cut-off date to RSVP.
Whether I am planning an event for one of my clients or my husband and I are entertaining friends, it is important to make sure that the guest count is doable for your home or venue. In addition, try to avoid overloading yourself with trying to cook, so that you are not able to enjoy your own party. If you do bring in food, please check with safety food guidelines, so the food it not sitting out too long. Been to a few parties, where the food was out for longer than 2 hours (DIY parties) and it can be dangerous.
If you are planning fun party where there will be cocktails, we always recommend asking guests to use Uber or Lyft. Also, make sure that you serve enough food, so your guests are not drinking on an empty stomach. Plus, consider creating a coffee and dessert bar for your guests to add some variety and at the same time keeping variety, so guests are doing more than drinking.
This is one area that you don’t want to overlook. Make sure that you have enough supplies stocked in the bathrooms, such as hand towels, soap and a trash receptacle. And it very is important to keep the bathrooms maintained during the party. I love adding scented candles (make sure not to burn the house down). If you bring in bathrooms, we always make sure there are heaters nearby if it is going to be cold at night and have a table for the guests to set down their cocktails before going into the restroom.
Everyone has their own rules on this topic. If we are throwing a cocktail party, I like to have enough seating, so half of the guests can be seated. Cocktail parties should be about mingling and walking around. If you are having a seated dinner, then everyone will need to have a seat.
I love the beautiful lighting for any type of party and celebration. Even in our home, we have dimmers on all of the light switches. There is something special about having beautiful lighting at an event. Lighting helps set the tone and everything looks more special.
For more tips, please call our office and one of our team would love to assist you.
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